Whirlwind Tourbillion

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[edit] Whirlwind Tourbillions


These little spinning devices are easy for beginners and anyone to produce and they use a minimal amount of chemicals and supplies. Whirlwinds, also called tourbillion inserts, are made in a fashion almost identical to Hummers, except the vent holes are drilled in the tube in a way that makes the insert spin end-over-end as it flies through the air, creating a "cyclone" of sparks. These are similar to serpents, Farfalles, and Hummers.

[edit] Materials-

Paper tube

Meal powder


Bentonite clay

[edit] Procedure-

1). Make the Propellant which in this example will consist of Meal powder mixed with 30-50% of Titanium Powder

2). Cut your tubes to a desired length (1-1 1/2") and ram a plug into it with the bentonite clay.

3). Now Press the composition into the tube and ram a clay endplug on top of that.

[edit] Fusing

To fuse the Whirlwind drill small holes through the tube on opposite sides of the top and bottom. Then insert Black match into each hole that you have drilled.

These work well in Large Canister Shells to give a magnificent spinning spray of sparks in the sky.

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